Gynecomastia Surgery Expert in Philadelphia & Bryn Mawr, PA

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What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia, a condition affecting men, can range from puffy nipples to what appears almost like  female breasts with loose skin, excess fat, and glandular tissue. Gynecomastia (gyno) can affect men of all ages but most commonly begins during puberty.  True gynecomastia involves growth of glandular tissue in association with fibrous hormonal fat. Gynecomastia can not be corrected by diet and exercise, or pills.  The only treatment is surgical. Hormone imbalances associated with puberty and childhood obesity are the most common causes of gynecomastia.  Less common causes include steroid use, TRT, certain medications, and hormone secreting tumors. 

For individuals affected by gynecomastia, male breast reduction surgery offers a complete solution to address both the physical and psychological aspects associated with the condition. The younger the surgery is performed the better the skin contracts and the less psychological and social effects you have to deal with and the sooner you can stop trying to hide your chest.  The surgery typically involves a combination of liposuction and complete gland removal.  Most men can return to work in 48 hrs and no drainage tubes are needed 

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Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure

Initial Consultation 

The first step in preparing for gynecomastia surgery is scheduling an initial consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr Raymond Jean who is Philadelphias leading expert in male breast reduction.  You can schedule an in person or virtual consultation whichever is more convenient for you. 

During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns, goals, and medical history with the Dr Jean.  He will evaluate your chest and develop a treatment plan to get your chest looking the way you want!

Male breast reduction treatment is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, either under local anesthesia or with you asleep, depending on the treatment plan and your preference. Either way, we will insure you are comfortable during and after the procedure. 

Dr Raymond Jean will make a small incision at the junction of the darker skin of your nipple and lighter skin of your chest to remove the underling glandular tissue completely. Incision placement depends on the specific technique chosen for your surgery and the required extent of correction. Common incision sites include around the edge of the areola (periareolar incision), along the natural creases of the chest, and in armpit to minimize visible scarring.

In cases where excess fat in addition to glandular tissue contributes to the appearance of gynecomastia, liposuction may be performed to further contour the chest area in conjunction with gland removal. Through tiny incisions in the armpit, a thin tube known as a cannula is inserted to remove excess fat using a vacuum device allowing contouring of your chest. 

In extreme cases in addition to removal of the glandular tissue, it is necessary to remove excess skin.  In these men excess skin is removed through a chest incision running along the lower edge of the Pectoralis muscle. If this is something Dr Jean feels would provide the best result for you, this would be thoroughly discussed before your procedure.  

Once the desired contour has been achieved, the incisions are meticulously closed with dissolving stiches, and  a compression vest is applied to the chest. The vest helps minimize swelling, provides support to the chest area, and aids in the healing process.

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Recovery Process After Gynecomastia Surgery

Following gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction) it is essential for you to follow post procedure instructions to achieve the best results.  Most  men are felling good in  24 hrs or less and most can return to work in 48 hrs. Normal daily activity can also be resumed at this point.  Chest exercises are limited for 4 weeks but cardio and other activities can be started usually after one week.  Dr Jean provides individualized instructions bases on your daily routine and activities. 

Long acting numbing medication is injected in the chest incisios at the time of surgery to maximize post procedure comfort. Pain medication is prescribed for discomfort after surgery but most patients don’t need prescription pain medicine after 24hrs and some patients do not take it at all.   Regular exercise and a balanced diet, supports long-term results. Rates of recurrence are extremely low.  Regular follow-up appointments are important for tracking your progress and ensuring proper healing after gynecomastia correction surgery. During these appointments, Dr Raymond Jean will assess your incisions, monitor your recovery, and discuss any recommended restrictions.

Ideal Candidates for Gynecomastia Surgery

Here’s who typically qualifies for male breast reduction surgery:
Persistent Gynecomastia in teens or adults

Men of all ages from12 to 70+ years old are candidates for gynecomastia treatment.  In most patients, the sooner gynecomastia is treated the better the outcome is from a social and psychological development perspective. If you are healthy enough for the procedure there is really no reason to wait. 

Gynecomastia often leads to low self-esteem and men feel self conscious about their body image. This appears in social interactions and results in low self confidence. Many men spend significant effort and time to try to hide their gynecomastia with different types of clothing or by avoiding certain social situations. Male breast reduction surgery (gynecomastia surgery) can offer relief and improved confidence for men with gynecomastia. 

Beyond psychological impacts, gynecomastia can sometimes cause physical discomfort and also limit certain activities. Gynecomastia surgery can alleviate symptoms and restore ability to participate in these activities.

Non-smokers are preferred candidates for gynecomastia surgery due to reduced risks of complications during and after the procedure. Smoking does not absolutely prevent you from having gynecomastia surgery depending on the procedure needed to address your gynecomastia and your overall health. 

Ideal candidates for gynecomastia procedure are generally in good health and maintain stable body weight. Realistic expectations about outcomes are essential, and it is important to understand that surgery may not achieve perfection. Dr Raymond Jean will discuss your desired results and what can be achieved with surgical correction during your consultation. 

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Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

 Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Surgery) is the solution for in individuals struggling with hiding excessive breast tissue. Here are some of the key advantages of undergoing gynecomastia surgery:

Improved Chest Contour

Gynecomastia surgery completely removes glands and excess fatty tissue from the male chest, resulting in a flatter and more masculine chest. No more puffy nipples, No more man boobs.  No more clothing layers to hide your chest. 

Gynecomastia (man boobs) significantly impact a man’s self-esteem and body image. By removing the glands and excess fat causing gynecomastia, male breast reduction surgery helps you regain confidence in your appearance and feel more comfortable in your own body. 

Many men with gynecomastia struggle to find clothing that fits properly and complements their body shape. After a male breast reduction procedure, you can enjoy a wider selection of clothing options and feel more confident in your clothes.

Some men adopt a slouching posture with there shoulders forward in an attempt to mask or hide their gynecomastia.  You may be doing this subconsciously because you feel it makes your gynecomastia less visible. After gynecomastia correction surgery you can stand up straight without worrying about how your chest looks.  

Often men with gynecomastia may avoid physical activities or exercise due to self-consciousness about the appearance of their chest.  If this sounds like you, after gynecomastia surgery you can feel more confident and less self conscious participating in sports and fitness activities, leading to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

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Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Philadelphia

The cost of gynecomastia surgery in Philadelphia typically ranges from $6,000 to $8,500+. This usually includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia and facility fees (when necessary), pre-operative and post-operative consultations, and any necessary follow-up appointments. 

However, it’s essential to note that your final cost may differ from patient to patient based on individual circumstances and treatment plans. The best way to determine your gynecomastia treatment cost is to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr Raymond Jean at Main Line Plastic Surgery to create a personal treatment plan and obtain a personalized quote for the procedure.

Main Line Plastic Surgery For Your Gynecomastia Surgery | Philadelphia, PA

If you’re struggling with gynecomastia and searching for a reliable solution to restore confidence and comfort in your appearance, Main Line Plastic Surgery is here for you. Led by a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Raymond Jean specializing in male breast reduction surgery, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care and outstanding results. 

Our team combines expertise with compassion, guiding you through every step of your gynecomastia surgery experience. Utilizing state-of-the-art facilities and advanced surgical techniques, we ensure our patients a safe and comfortable experience. Whether you require complete gland excision, with or without liposuction or skin excision, we customize treatment plans to address your unique concerns and goals effectively. Say goodbye to gynecomastia and hello to a more confident you. Schedule your in person or virtual consultation at Main Line Plastic Surgery and embark on the journey to reclaim your self-confidence and achieve your desired chest contour.

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