The abdominal area can be one of the most challenging to manage as you age. This is true whether you’ve had multiple pregnancies, no pregnancies, or have maintained a relatively stable weight for much of your life. When the skin and muscle loosen across the abdomen, there is very little that diet and exercise alone can do to completely tighten and sculpt this part of the body. This is why abdominoplasty, known as tummy tuck surgery, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures that Dr. Jean performs for our Bryn Mawr patients.
Is a Tummy Tuck in Your Future?
The overall purpose of the abdominoplasty procedure is to sculpt the midsection by tightening loose tissue. The way that the tummy tuck is performed, however, can vary from one person to another. Dr. Jean tailors this surgical procedure to your precise needs. You may achieve the most rewarding outcome through a full tummy tuck or may need a mini-tuck only to see your best shape in the mirror. The whole process begins with a thorough consultation visit in which you discuss your areas of concern and what you would like to love more about your appearance. Once you understand what this procedure can do for you, your next questions may revolve around what to expect in terms of recovery. This will be our next point of conversation.
How Long Is Tummy Tuck Recovery?
Your tummy tuck can provide you with years of satisfaction with your shape. It does require that you attend to your body for a short recovery period, though. Unlike other common procedures like breast augmentation, abdominoplasty requires about two weeks of time off for optimal healing. When we say time off, we don’t just mean time off work. We also mean that you do not carry your usual load of household duties, pet care, childcare, cooking, and socializing. We do not recommend that you plan to work remotely after your tummy tuck, either! This procedure is a big deal, and we want you to recover well from it, so advise you to block out two full weeks that include very little other than sleep, rest, and walking.
After a full two weeks of focus on rest and healing, you may be able to return to work. If you work in a field that requires you to be on your feet for several hours at a time, lift heavy objects, or exert yourself beyond what is normal for most people, Dr. Jean may instruct you to extend your recovery period. It is essential that you do not do too much too soon after abdominoplasty surgery. To do so could increase your risk of complications such as prolonged pain or poor wound healing. During your consultation, the type of work that you do and the recommended activity restrictions will be discussed to set realistic expectations for your recovery.
Tummy tuck surgery can require a bit more time for healing than other procedures, but the time off is worth the results that this surgery can achieve. To schedule your tummy tuck consultation at Main Line Plastic Surgery in Bryn Mawr, call or text 484-222-0010 today!